Gaming/computer/internet addiction

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Gaming/computer/internet addiction

Postby Emily » Fri Sep 26, 2014 1:28 pm

Hi guys, have you ever deal with such an addiction? My friends has got serious problem with their kids. Any advice or suggestion will be extremely helpful !

Kid i 14 years old, he's playing all the time and everywhere where it is possible...
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Re: Gaming/computer/internet addiction

Postby Andy284 » Fri Sep 26, 2014 9:44 pm

Hi Emily.
This is simple. You say your friends "kids". Your friend needs to become the adult. Take control. Be a parent. Take it off him. He is 14!!! If she is not able to take control of a 14 year old boy, then there is something seriously wrong with her parenting skills, and the way her kids have been bought up. Simple.

And I really don't want to see loads of follow up messages saying:

It's easier said than done.

All kids are like this.

He is bigger than me.

He is a child. Yes a child, and you are supposed to be the adult. If more adults acted like adults instead of kids, we would not have this Jeremy Kyle state we sadly live in. Enough said!!!!
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Re: Gaming/computer/internet addiction

Postby AndrewBarnaby » Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:11 am

Hi Emily,

I had similar problem. My kid started playing games and spending hours on internet. Although he knew that he shouldn't do that, he was still tempted by computer. He was breaking the rules and after all I saw he felt bad about it. Solution was limiting his time on computer, or just games, or specific sites. There are few parental control programs you can use to do this, for example NetNanny or PcWebControl Best wishes for your friend!
Last edited by AndrewBarnaby on Tue Nov 04, 2014 9:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gaming/computer/internet addiction

Postby xander » Wed Oct 29, 2014 2:37 am

They need to become a real parents to their kids, them to spend more time with them and make them feel how much they love them, because kids with a lack of attention from their family will have a different way to find attention to other things
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Re: Gaming/computer/internet addiction

Postby Trevor Green » Fri Nov 07, 2014 8:41 am

Well said Xander. It's too easy to let your child go and play on his iPad, Xbox, play station etc if you have other things you need to be getting on with. Them you all get up set when your kids are on them all the time. Be a proper parent and start spending time with your children. :evil:
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Re: Gaming/computer/internet addiction

Postby Jerry38 » Mon Nov 24, 2014 2:16 am

My younger brother was once addicted to computer games, he was always playing all day long. He was high school that time, I confronted him many times about it, that he must manage his time between his studies and gaming habit. But he couldn't make it. But when he reached college, I think he was able to manage his time, he barely played games unless he's bored. And I think he realized how much time he wasted in playing games and there was no good about it. And now he barely play games, he only plays girls. haha.
I think you could have him do other things than gaming.
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