What to do with child addicted to computer gaming?

This section is for discussing Gambling addictions in an Adult way.

What to do with child addicted to computer gaming?

Postby Helen75 » Fri Feb 19, 2021 1:57 pm

If you suspect that you or your child is addicted to computer games, you can try to limit the time spent with the computer/console yourself. It's a good idea to prepare a daily schedule where you set aside a time to play and the rest of the time for other activities, such as physical exercise. At the beginning of the addiction this approach may help. However, if the problem has lasted for some time and attempts to fight the addiction on your own do not help, you will need the support of a specialist. Visit a psychologist who is familiar with the specifics of computer game addiction and ask for help. Psychotherapy will help you discover the mechanisms of your addiction or your child's addiction and show you the way to solve the problem.
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