Alcohol Home Detox

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Alcohol Home Detox

Postby admin » Fri May 31, 2024 7:03 pm

Alcohol Home Detox Program

For the most supported "Alcohol Home Detox" programme available anywhere in the UK, go to

1/. The first stage is a Phone assessment to make sure it is safe for you to have an alcohol home detox.

2/. Then a Home visit to explain how it all works, and to give you the prescribed medication you will need during your detox. You will also meet the male nurse who will be looking after you thoughtout the entire process, so you will never be passed from pilar to post!

3/. You will have a Telephone call from your detox nurse, a minimum of 4 times a day, so you are not in the dark with the medication you need to be taking, plus we can check that you are all ok.

4/. The Sinclair method option if you so wish as an on going treatment

This is highly successful, we have been doing these alcohol home detoxes for over 10 years.

There is not another company in the UK who offers this level of service and who has been around as long as we have.

The price is £1,295 and that is all you pay. No hidden charges etc, no VAT etc. Plus it works!

5/. You also have access to a 24 hour helpline so you are never on your own.

Call: 07811 606 606 or go to

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