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Addicted to stealing

PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 4:25 pm
by CBFilmsResearch
CB Films and Channel 4 are developing an observational documentary series that will delve into the experience of addiction and impulse control disorders, showing the audience what it can really mean to be someone living with addiction or extreme impulsiveness.

Despite ever more stories about compulsive stealing and its dangerous effect on individuals and their families and loved ones lives, the American DSM-V has just reclassified kleptomania as a behaviour of ICD, rather than its own diagnosis, much to the ire of many in the psychiatric community.

There are many who've never been caught stealing and their addiction goes unchecked. There are many whose lives have been destroyed by it with families broken up, relationships ruined, homes lost and bankruptcy looming. Few people seem to understand that this compulsion can often stem from deep-seated issues, and it is the aim of CB Films with this observational documentary, to really shed the light on what kleptomania is.

Are you someone who still suffers from an addiction to stealing? Are you in recovery? How have you and yours been affected by this condition?

At this stage we are really interested in talking to as many people as possible about their own experiences of kleptomania - be that as those struggling with addiction now, those who have recovered or those who have been affected by a partner or loved one with addiction.

In order to make this documentary as comprehensive as possible, it's important we talk to anyone kind enough to share their experience with us. Of course, any information shared will be held strictly confidential, and there is no obligation to take part in the project any further should you wish.

If you are willing to share your experience with us, please contact Rowan:

Re: Addicted to stealing

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 3:53 am
by Jerry38
Addicted to stealing? I thought people just steal because they need it for a living, I'm not aware that it could lead to addiction.