I'm G.
I've been addicted to nurofen plus now for a long while and, I reached out for help.
I did give it up myself, cold turkey. It was awful but I did it. I had things in my life then. A partner, a job and the gym. But, lockdown took everything from me and I relapsed. When I say everything, the government took my job and closed the gyms (still not open. They're a saviour for me) I had to cancel my tv, my mobile phone got cut off, I was without any internet for a while, I had to cancel my car insurance, I got behind on my mortgage. Basically, I've recessed about 10 years of hard work, through no fault of my own.
I don't have any family or friends. Or a partner now. So, I did the only thing I could to ease the pain.
I got help though, and the doctor put me on a reducing dose. Which was fine for the first 4 or 6 weeks. Actually, they didn't reduce at all, because they wanted me to get comfortable with the initial vastly reduced dose. 50% less than I was getting off the N+.
But, I've been back today and, they've cut it from 2 weeks of 8 tabs a day, to 4 tabs a day for ONE week so, instead of 132 tabs I've now got 28 and the doctor informed me, in front of all the staff that, I've had more help than most addicts get and that, after this weeks vastly reduced dose which they didn'teven inform they were going to do, I'll recieve no more help!!
I'm stressed out. I've come so far and I feel so much better and my kidneys are doing much better, then to be told this has completely bowled me over!
Is that normal? Is this is what I'm to expect off doctors on this?
Thankyou guys.